I've been meaning to tackle the challenge of Dakota Kuchen for awhile now but my day job kept me busy all Fall.
Was glad to have a few quiet days over the holidays to finally test my grandmother's recipe.
What is Dakota Kuchen?
Well kuchen just means 'cake' in German so really it could mean any kind of cake generally speaking. But Dakota Kuchen refers to a specialty of the region made by German Russians - a pie-shaped pastry with a sweet yeast dough and fruit mixed into a custard with a little crumble on top.
There are variations like sugar kuchen with a crusted sugar coating similar to a coffee cake, or 'kase-kuchen' which uses cottage cheese to make the custard for a softer cheesecake like dessert (sounds weird but tastes good!).
The fruit custard variety is the most common and well-recognized. All varieties have simple, common ingredients as these were made in times and areas that had access to mostly just basic staples.
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